i am angry (crossing borders)

by Imani Uzuri



this is a musical sketch representing how i am feeling about the injustices in the world today. the lyrics are based on my longer statement below.

"i am angry. angry because we no longer have Jordan Davis, Renisha McBride, Trayvon Martin, Islan Nettles, Aiyana Mo'nay Stanley-Jones and the list goes on. angry because there is a poster in New Jersey offering money for Assata Shakur, Mumia is still in jail and Edward Snowden is in exile. i am angry because folks live on reservations, folks live in ghettos, folks die everyday crossing borders. i am angry because sexual abuse is accepted by communities and known perpetrators are getting prestigious awards, selling millions of albums and being invited to family gatherings. i am angry because i can't trust the labels on the food i buy, i can't trust the gardens that grow my kale, i can't trust nothing because lies are the truth of our day. i can't trust nothing because lies are the truth of our day." ~imani uzuri, Feb 16, 2014


i am angry. can't trust nothing cause lies are the truth of our day.
folks live on reservations, folks live in ghettos, folks die everyday crossing borders.


released February 16, 2014
composition and lyrics by imani uzuri
vocals performed by imani uzuri

photo credit: Bayete Ross Smith


all rights reserved
